Title name of the book is “Fazail Aab-e-Zamzam” Virtues of the Zamzam water. Written by Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadri.
The Well of Zamzam is a well settled inside the mosque al Haram in Mecca, twenty meters east of the shrine, the holiest place in Islam. In step with Muslim tradition it absolutely was a miraculously- generated supply of water from angel Jibril (a.s), that began thousands of years ago once Ibraham’s baby son Ismail (a.s) was thirsty.
Countless pilgrims visit the well every year whereas performing the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimages, so as to drink its water. By Saudi law, the water can’t sold outside of the dominion, however attributable to robust demand there’s a thriving market in fake Zamzam water in alternative countries.

This little pool provides water to countless individuals through significant motors pull 8000 lit: per second and once twenty four hours in precisely eleven minutes completes its level. Therefore its water level never decreases.

The fervent religion of pilgrims, from early Muslim times to the present day, has not ceased to lend outstanding qualities to the water of the well of Zamzam that is perceived as bearer of Baraka and as a “curative source”. It’s stressed that Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him!) drank this water and used it often for numerous functions. Zamzam, Yakut attributes to Mudjahid, taken to be a habitual transmitter of Ibn Abbas, the subsequent words: “If you drink at Zamzam within the hope of a cure, God can cure you; if you’re thirsty, Almighty Allah can quench your thirst; if you’re hungry, Allah can satisfy you”