
Title name of the book is “Beema-e-Zindagi” (Life Insurance) Written by Mufti Muhammad Shafi.
Insurance has become an important part of business throughout the world. As a result of there are too several risks that would have an effect on people’s lives and welfare, insurance tries to alleviate the adverse effects of such risks. Insurance has become a extremely refined business, with massive corporations giving cowl against a large vary of risks.

People take insurance policies to safeguard their homes, furniture, vehicles, and jobs, and that they additionally take health and life assurance policies. In its trendy type, insurance was introduced in Muslim countries once several of them were occupied by Western powers, or once they came below Western influence.

This book is providing Islamic standing orders and directions relating to all quite insurance policies settle for life assurance policy within the light of Quran and Sunnah. Learn in Urdu language. Download in pdf format to read offline.
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